Piper, One Of Disney’s Most Beautiful And Endearing Shorts

Piper, one of Disney's most beautiful and endearing shorts

It’s 6 minutes. Six minutes of a life. Six minutes worth investing in enjoying Pixar-Disney’s cutest short. Because yes, Piper is one of the most endearing shorts from the Pixar audiovisual content factory.

In these images they tell us a story that could be the life story of any of us at any moment of our existence.

However, it is not easy. The real life dangers are intense. The imaginary dangers, more. When both are intermixed we have an explosive mixture that limits us. Without a doubt, this is an aspect that deserves our reflection …

Piper short from pixar

Piper, the short that revolutionizes our tenderness

Once upon a time there was a little bird that his mother tried to teach to feed himself. However, fear of the unknown sparked a rocky start in mom version survival training.

His fear kept him hungry until chance or fate caused him to run into a magnificent instructor in the form of a hermit crab. This gave him a different perspective on his life and the skill he had to acquire …


A short that gives us two important messages for our lives

Didactic for the little ones and for the not so little ones, Piper contains two key messages:

We are wet birds who are not very clear about the path of their life. Like the protagonist of the short, we feel vulnerable in the face of the unknown and we stop ourselves from taking one more step that allows us to move forward.

Pîper with shell in the beak

But the truth is that we are made of hope and courage, which helps us face our fears and difficulties. We only grow when we convince ourselves of the need to feel uncomfortable for a long time. What we want or need is far from the four emotional walls of our comfort, security, and certainty.

  • The panic zone is just beyond the threshold of the exit door of our four walls. Here they tell you and you say to yourself: “don’t do it”, “you’re going to fail”, “the risk of crashing is enormous and horrible things can happen to you”.
  • The magic zone is just beyond the panic zone. It is here where wonderful things appear, where we enlarge our dreams and manage to improve ourselves. When we are here we are likely to have many fears.

For example, surely an immense fear invades us suddenly because we have lost our comfort zone but then we will realize that it is not like that; 


On the other hand, the director of the short, Alan Barillaro, has ensured that we can all learn from the precious bird and his mother. A mother who gives her child the space necessary to make mistakes, repent and learn a thousand ways not to do things.

We have all been, are and will be scared birds at some point. However, there is a question that is clear as constant in the human being: everything in life is potentially significant, because even from suffering we obtain an inescapable learning to travel the path we choose to travel.

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