7 Phrases About Death To Love Life

The phrases about death speak to us, above all, of the importance of life. We tend to overlook the fact that we are all going to die at some point and that this warrants a daily tribute to the life we ​​still have.
7 phrases about death to love life

Throughout history, countless sentences have been written about death. It is a subject that has not only disturbed human beings since the beginning of time, but has even given rise to certain rituals in some animal species.

Despite how much has been said about this issue, the truth is that there is still no full agreement on its definition. Science, which has also produced many phrases about death, does not know exactly when human life ceases, from a neurological and thermodynamic point of view.

There is also no agreement on the meaning of the end of life in religions and ideologies. Most of them refuse to accept that everything ends with the cessation of biological functions. To try to organize ideas, many thinkers have written or said phrases about death. These are some of them.

1. It is not to be feared

This is one of the phrases about death written by the wonderful poet, Antonio Machado. He prays: ” Death is something that we should not fear because, while we are, death is not, and when death is, we are not. “

It makes an overflowing reasoning of common sense. In its strictest sense, death does not exist for the dead. If he passed away, he can no longer experience that state, as if he were alive. His being disappears and with it all his fears.

2. One of the most beautiful phrases about death

Alphonse de Lamartine has given us one of the most beautiful phrases about death. He points out the following: ” Often the tomb unknowingly encloses two hearts in the same coffin. ” The death of a loved one kills us a bit too.

Often someone’s death significantly affects another survivor. The life of that survivor is confined for a time in that sepulcher that houses the one who is no longer there now and will not be there again.

3. The importance of death

On the theme of death, André Malraux tells us the following: ” Death is only important to the extent that it makes us reflect on the value of life. ” The meaning of death is closely related to the meaning of life.

Malraux calls not to think about death for its own sake. He says it is irrelevant because, finally, it means the end of everything. On the other hand, the awareness of the end is a factor that affects how we approach and experience life.

4. A reality that equals us

This phrase about death was said thousands of years ago, by Lao-tzu. He points out: ” Different in life, men are equal in death. ” We could say that death is the most democratic reality of all that exist. It reaches all of them equally.

Likewise, no matter how lavish funerals are, what is inside a coffin will always be a corpse. It is the same as all the other corpses in the world: a remnant, a lifeless body, an organism in the process of decomposition.

5. Now or never

William Shakespeare is another of those poets who wrote sentences about death to love life. One of his affirmations says: ” Love now while you live, since dead you will not be able to achieve it. ” Death was a central part of his work, but here we see his emphasis on life.

Many times we assume life as if it were eternal. It seems to us that time is never going to run out. Love, in turn, gives life another meaning, but many times we experience it as if fate were never going to write its end.

Heart drawn on a window

6. Youth, old age and death

There is a great difference in the death of a child, a young person and an old man. The child and the young person have only just begun to live and that is why early deaths are often more disconcerting and painful. Like a project that was never fulfilled.

In old age, on the other hand, you have already had the opportunity to live many experiences: death appears as the law of life. In that case, dying has the logic of the completed cycle. Baltasar Gracián puts it this way: ” Death for young people is shipwreck and for old people it is reaching port. “

7. Thinking about her is not enough

Stefan Zweig makes a very deep reflection on this topic. He says: “It is not enough to think about death, but it must always be in front of you. Then life becomes more solemn, more important, more fruitful and more joyful ”.

In general, we do not like to talk about death because it seems to us an enigmatic subject and, many times, unapproachable. Zweig invites us to look at this possibility head-on, precisely so that our lives gain in intensity and value.

This is just a small sample of the many quotes about death out there. We bring them up because it is always positive to remember that we are only passing through. That we are all going to die. And that while that moment arrives, it is worth living thoroughly.

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