5 Signs That Indicate That You Are Burned At Work

5 signs that you are burned at work

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to follow the teachings of Confucius, who once said ” Choose a job that you like and you will not have to work a day of your life. ” In fact, not even seeing certain signs that warn you that you are burned at work are enough to rethink what you are doing at work. 

Employment is a powerfully influential factor in our life. It brings great doses of fulfillment and happiness, even well-being, if we are comfortable. But also the opposite if we are continuously stressed. Here are some red flags that can appear when work is more sacrifice than enjoyable activity.

How to know that you are burned at work

A large number of scientific studies affirm that job happiness is not only good for the employee. Comfort at work produces better performance, as well as good results for the company or organization.

However, it is not always easy to fit into a job position. There are many factors to consider. For example, it is important that our work is valued, which provides a large dose of motivation and better performance.

Woman with hand on head because she feels burned at work

Now, being burned out at work is an undesirable situation. Remember that we spend many hours a day at our post. If we are not comfortable, it will be better to change or at least identify what happens to improve some aspects. To know if some of these moments have arrived, it is important to take into account the following warning signs.

You feel empty in your position

It is not always easy to find the perfect job based on our talent and ability. Circumstances lead us to accept jobs out of necessity or simply because they are well paid.

The  personal and professional development are closely linked. Therefore, it is important to check yourself on an emotional level from time to time. Only then will you know exactly how you are in relation to your work.

Therefore, if every morning you wake up with a sad and sorry face, without earning to go to work and there you identify yourself as a robot that performs its tasks in an automated way every day, it is good that you ask yourself, that you investigate yourself. Now, if you are looking forward to reaching your position, congratulations, you have been completely right. And if it’s a middle ground, maybe you could do something to improve. Think about it.

There is a bad relationship with the environment

Sometimes we have to put up with bosses we don’t like at all. Others, to rigid and unfriendly companions. Whatever your case, if this type of situation infects you with something like a feeling of discomfort and discomfort, perhaps you are burning at work or you already are.

The leadership style influences the happiness and development of the worker. If your boss does not look after the well-being of his employees, it is normal for quarrels, problems and little empathy to appear among the workers. And this in the long run affects the level of general and individual well-being.

Reflect on why such a circumstance occurs and, if possible, what you can do to improve. It is true that most of the time you will not be able to change what is happening around you, but you can change how to manage the situation internally. 

Man blaming himself

Stress can with you

Stress, taken to the extreme, is an evil of our time. Despite being a defense mechanism, which can be positive in its proper measure, it also leads to diseases if it is prolonged in quantity and time.

Occupational health is essential to be, at least, comfortable in the workplace. If you feel that every day you stress, that you do not reach your goals and that you do not think about anything other than work, perhaps you are not managing the situation well.

Practicing relaxation exercises, learning to organize yourself and above all, to disconnect from work when you are at home is essential. If you are unable to do it on your own, see a professional.

Do you feel valued?

It is very important to feel valued at the work level. The employee who knows that he is doing a good job and is recognized for it, shows a high degree of satisfaction with his daily work and of course, a better performance.

If this is not your case, you are still burned at work or in the process of it. As much as you achieve good results, your bosses do not value it and consider it your obligation. Hoping that one day they will recognize what you do can be a mistake that leads you to do more and more until the situation becomes untenable. 

Do not forget that the first person who has to value you is yourself. There is no better assessment than that. Now, job recognition is key for you to feel comfortable in your company. If this is not the case, you can always express how you feel and if you see that it is impossible, you may have to rethink what to do or how to continue.

Boss harassing his employee

You are not taking advantage of your full potential

Many employees feel that they can give much more, but that they are not left or are not motivated to do so. A very common situation in today’s job market.

All this can have the consequence that  a good worker ends up feeling bored in his position  and wants to leave it. Or perhaps, that it does the right thing, wasting its full potential and stagnating.

If you feel identified, perhaps you should think about what to do or rather, what you want in your life.

If some of these signs appear in your case or even if you observe several of them, perhaps you are burned at work. It may be time to make decisions. It depends on you.

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