5 Realities That Pigeonhole You

5 realities that pigeonhole you

Human beings like to think that we are free. That our tastes, preferences and decisions are born from that idea of ​​free will that makes us independent and seduces us. However, reality shows that there are many realities that pigeonhole you, that decide for you before you know it, and that this is inevitable.

We are born in a certain place and at a certain time. To be part of that society in which we came into the world we have to adopt the rules that prevail in it. A good part of these rules we make our own without questioning them, without consciously processing them. In the adaptation process, we assimilate and incorporate them, assuming them as “natural”.

Many times such norms are the fruit of a collective rationality that seeks the general good. Other times not. It is then when they become realities that simply pigeonhole you and that you continue without stopping to think if they bring you a benefit. These are five very common.

1. Value systems

Value systems are that set of ideologies or moral principles that indicate what is good and what is bad for a given society. They also include a kind of prototype of the “ideal human being”. For example, one who is hardworking, intelligent, beautiful, etc.

Such values ​​are instilled in us from the moment we are born. This task is carried out by the family, in the first instance, and then by social institutions. Sometimes we think that the values ​​that prevail in our society are the only ones or the best, but this is not always the case. Some values , such as solidarity, for example, seek to promote your evolution. Others on the other hand, like blind obedience, are simply realities that pigeonhole you.

Person choosing his mask symbolizing the realities that pigeonhole you

2. Fashions, realities that pigeonhole you

Fashions took on an unusual power, mainly from the second half of the 20th century. Of course, they existed long before, but it was at the time of the industrial revolution that it became a relevant factor in people’s lives.

Fashions are a way of supporting an identification with the group. It gives us a sense of belonging. They become pigeonholed realities when you adopt them uncritically or even against your own tastes and preferences. Also when they are the result of an inordinate desire for acceptance.

3. Customs

As with values, there are customs that we follow since we are born. They help us to join a society and accept its norms. However, they can also limit us and hinder our development.

Customs, such as basic hygiene habits, are positive because they help us preserve health. In contrast, customs such as someone having to marry before the age of 15 may not be as beneficial. The important thing, in any case, is to emphasize that we always have the possibility of evaluating those customs that we follow and maintaining or changing them, according to our criteria.

Group of victims symbolizing the realities that pigeonhole you

4. Roles

Role is the specific role that someone plays within a group. In other words, the role that is assigned by the group to a person. There are roles of different orders and each of them is governed by patterns. People are expected to act in accordance with their assigned role. For example, the family may have different expectations for different children.

The roles become realities that pigeonhole you when you are not aware of them and you adopt them passively. This, for example, has a great impact on the level of gender roles. If you simply accept that you have to behave in a certain way because you are a man or a woman, regardless of the logic behind it, you may limit your personal growth.

shadows of people on a wall symbolizing the realities that pigeonhole you

5. Stereotypes

Stereotypes are mind-sets that are applied to people or groups. They understand a set of ideas or patterns about what that person or group means. Its main characteristic is that it deals with prejudices, that is, ideas that are applied to a reality before reasoning about its truth or falsehood.

Stereotypes lead you to think or act automatically, often wrongly. For example, a man who has an expensive suit may also seem important and trustworthy to you. In contrast, a disheveled person may seem dangerous or unworthy to you. In reality, this may be the other way around.

All these realities that pigeonhole you seep into your consciousness and largely determine how you see the world. It is always good to rethink everything that has been instilled in us, to assess whether it really contributes to us or rather limits us.

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