5 Habits That Take Care Of Your Self-esteem

5 habits that take care of your self-esteem

On many occasions we undermine our self-esteem without realizing it. It is true that people are different. Some of us are stronger, emotionally, and others not so much.

In this article today you will discover what habits to follow to avoid destroying your self-esteem. Think that it is very important if you want to lead a happy and full life.

1. Respect yourself


If you are not able to respect yourself , how can you respect others? It is totally impossible. Something that seems so trivial is the key to avoiding destroying your self-esteem. But how can we respect ourselves?

  • First of all, we must realize our needs and our values and satisfy them. We must not always stay in the background and satisfy others first. Well, if we don’t know how to satisfy ourselves, we are probably doing it wrong.
  • Express your feelings and don’t feel guilty about it. Showing your anger towards someone does not make you a bad person, but a sincere person.
  • Value all those facets of which you are proud. Reflect on them and value them as they deserve.


2. Acceptance


Accepting yourself is very important if you want to live your life. If not, you will live being a copy of the lives of others. Do you want to live in a lie ?


Your life has to be original, yours. Do not try to be equal to others, to have a similar life. You may think that way because they look perfect, but is it really so? Learn to love your life, to accept yourself. Only in this way, you can live happily and in harmony.


3. Acknowledge your mistakes


If you don’t acknowledge your mistakes, you will live your whole life excuse after excuse. This will only cause you a huge energy expenditure.

Learn from your mistakes. Stand in front of the error and the excuse and accept them. Where have you gone wrong? What happened? Do not avoid it with excuses and take advantage of it to learn and improve as a person. Mistakes do not make us weak or vulnerable. Quite the opposite! They make us strong and help us prepare for future mistakes.


4. Beware of your critical voice


Being critical of ourselves is not bad, but be careful! Sometimes that critical voice that lives in you can destroy you. To do this, you have to destroy her.

When our critical voice is negative, discouraging and prevents us from moving forward, we must stop it. It’s not doing us any good! Do you know how your critical voice destroys your self-esteem?

  • You will never get it right. A phrase that our critical voice whispers softly. When it appears think. What do I know if I’ll never get it right? You’ve tried? You have failed? As if you have to hit the wall again and again until you learn. If you want something, strive to achieve. Silence your critical voice by acting.
  • You are worse than him / her. Nobody is worse or better, we are different! The best thing is to see how we can complement or help each other in the work we are doing. Never compare yourself with others. Learn, push yourself, and be yourself. You are unique and original, different like the others.
  • That person doesn’t like me. Are you sure? Have you ever wondered? You may be picking up the signals incorrectly. And also, if he doesn’t like you, what difference does it make! It’s not the end of the world, is it? Everything can be overcome, let’s not just do a drama like that.


5. Do not seek the approval of others


A very common mistake is to always seek the approval of others. This is just a display of tremendous insecurity.


The important decisions how much less different better will they be? Do not seek to satisfy others. If you have a contrary opinion, express it! Keep in mind that if others do not approve of you, it is because you consent to it.

Be firm in your decisions and with how you act and think. Others will never agree on everything, think about it , be yourself!

Maybe you empathize a lot with everything mentioned above. It is normal, something that we cannot avoid. Achieving the approval of others, thinking that we are no better than the rest, apologizing without stopping, not saying what we think … Sound like it, right? We hope this helps you be happier and get where you want to go. Only you and nobody else.

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