16 Phrases Of The Wonderful Frida Kahlo

16 phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is one of my favorite people. She was an intense, brave and splendid woman who left us a great legacy not only with her paintings but also with her words, teachings and the courage of her constant struggle. Therefore, today I wanted to collect these phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo where many of her values ​​are embodied.

Frida and her inordinate capacity to love

Frida Kahlo revolutionized the world with her attitude to life, breaking not only with the conventions of the last century in Mexico but throughout the world. In fact, even today it would be revolutionary and groundbreaking. She was a woman who they wanted to pigeonhole as surrealist but she never let them do it, because as she claimed, she did not paint dreams but her own reality.

Marked by her own existence, by the great blows that life gave her and by her immense love for Diego Rivera, her life was plagued with misfortunes that never broke her. Frida was a defiant, vain, passionate woman with an inordinate capacity to love who, of course, left us with values ​​that cross borders in these words.

Frida and Diego
  1. “Feet what do I want you for, if I have wings to fly.”
  2. Walling off your own suffering is to risk being eaten from the inside. “
  3. “Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence ”.
  4. “Doctor, if you let me have this tequila, I promise not to drink at my funeral.”
  5. At the end of the day, we can take a lot longer than we think we can. “
  6. “Life insists on being my friend and my target enemy.”
  7. There is nothing more beautiful than laughter. “
  8. “What doesn’t kill me feeds me.”
  9. “They told me it was surreal, but I’m not. I have never painted dreams but my own reality ”.
  10. Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything rotates, everything flies and disappears “.
  11. “Beauty and ugliness are a mirage because others always end up seeing us.”
  12. “I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned to swim, and now I’m overwhelmed by this decent good feeling.”
  13. “There are some who are born with stars and others with stars, and even if you don’t want to believe it, I am one of the most starry ones …”.
  14. I used to think that I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought, there are a lot of people like that in the world, there has to be someone like me, who feels bizarre and damaged in the same way that I feel. I imagine her, and I imagine that she must be out there thinking about me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this you know that, yes, it is true, I am here, I am as strange as you ”.
  15. “I would like to give you everything that you would never have had, and even then you would not know how wonderful it is to be able to love you.”
  16. Can you make up verbs? I want to tell you one: I love you, so my wings spread enormously to love you without measure. I feel that from our place of origin we have been together, that we are of the same matter, of the same waves, that we carry the same meaning within.

The phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo

Frida feeding the ducks

Many of the phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo take our breath away. Well, she uses very harsh words that refer to experiences that marked her in a very deep way.

The phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo allow us to peek into the depths of her being. To immerse ourselves in Frida’s way of experiencing the world and everything that happened to her. That I felt? What was happening to him?

The best are the great teachings that we can glimpse in many of his phrases and that, without a doubt, can change our way of seeing the world or the way we live in it.

Which of the phrases of the wonderful Frida Kahlo would you choose?

Images: Collective Culture


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