11 Healthy And Easy Snacks To Prepare

We are going to show you a few healthy snack options so that you ensure an optimal supply of nutrients in the afternoon to improve your health.
11 healthy and easy to prepare snacks

Healthy snacks are a mainstay of balanced diets. At this time of day, our desire to kill hunger may be greater than our motivation to include quality food on the menu. Therefore, if we want to make a healthy snack, we can start by planning its composition before it is time to eat it.

The good news is that healthy snacks can be made easily. In this way, we are taking care of our health.

Healthy snacks

We go with some healthy snack options to get a good handful of nutrients.

Yogurt with nuts

Yogurt is one of the great candidates to be part of a good snack. At the flavor level, we can combine it with any fruit and it is also very easy to consume.

As for its nutritional quality, it contains probiotic bacteria that take care of our gastrointestinal system. According to a study published in the journal Gastroenterology Clinics of North America , this class of microorganisms generate protection against the development of inflammatory digestive diseases.

On the other hand, nuts contribute to increasing the supply of high-quality protein and fatty acids. However, they must be consumed in moderation, as they are very energetic.

Oat porridge

The amount of calories added to our snack must be adapted to our energy expenditure, as well as to our previous and subsequent activity.

In the event that we need a food that gives us a good amount of slow-release energy, oatmeal is a great candidate. In addition, like yogurt, it has prebiotic fiber capable of helping intestinal health. This is evidenced by research published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .


If you have little time or are not at home, you can always have fruit for a snack. Most contain phytonutrients with antioxidant capacity inside. In addition, it is a way to stay hydrated on the hottest days.

This is an especially recommended snack for those who do not eat fruit at other times of the day or for those who do not have the habit of drinking a lot of water.

Woman eating apple

Rice pancakes with guacamole

Guacamole, thanks to avocado, is one of the preparations that can have good quality fats. It can be consumed at any time of the day. It also has a flavor that most of us like.

To spread it, you can use rice or corn pancakes. They are always a much better option than bread, which is made from refined flours.

Hummus with vegetable sticks

Almost all experts agree that legumes must be introduced into the diet on a regular basis. A good way to heed this recommendation is to consume hummus. In fact, it is a preparation that is capable of reducing the main side effect of these vegetables, the formation of gas. As the fibers are destroyed by grinding, digestion is much easier.

Chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa

Who said that chocolate cannot be eaten in the context of a healthy diet? Of course, it is important that a high concentration of cocoa is present. Most commercial chocolates have excessive added sugars, which damages their quality.

Fresh cheese beaten with chopped fruit

Another option for healthy snacks, indicated for those who have a lot of appetite at this time , is the whipped fresh cheese. Without being very energetic, it has a higher density than yogurt, which is why it generates greater satiety. It also continues to concentrate proteins of high biological value, which is why it is a high quality food.

Serrano ham and cheese

Not all cold cuts are bad. Serrano ham and cheese can be part of healthy snacks. However, it is essential that their labeling is read to verify that they do not have additives inside. If this premise is fulfilled, we would be faced with two products with a high content of very healthy proteins.

Salmon pate with rice cakes

Most of the pâtés fall within the group of low-quality ultra-processed foods. However, salmon is an exception. It is usually made with natural ingredients and does not contain additives or sugars inside. The label should be checked first, but it is usually a fairly suitable product.

Peanut butter

For nut lovers, peanut butter is a great option. Of course, it is a very caloric product, so we must be careful with the quantities.

When choosing a brand in the market, check that it does not contain added sugars. It can be spread on toast or on a rice pancake.

Peanut butter


It is an unpopular option, but a can of preserves can be a great resource if we want to make a healthy snack. Mussels and clams are a good example.

They can be consumed as is, accompanied by a lean sausage such as ham, or even with whole wheat bread. They provide the highest quality protein.

Prepare healthy snacks

As you have seen, making a good snack is a simple purpose to plan. As we have seen with these healthy snacks, there are several options to replace the ultra-processed ones without having to spend a lot of time preparing.

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